
Following are terms used in KADIS, along with a brief description of how each is used.

Agriculture—the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of soil for growing crops and raising animals to provide food, wool, and other products

Ag Industry—products necessary for agricultural production, including the production of or sales to users; examples include: machinery, fertilizer, pest control, irrigation, fencing, and barns

Ag Processing—the transformation of raw ingredients into food or fuel, or of food into value-added products; examples include: slaughter houses, food processors, bakery, dairies, bio fuel, and commercial kitchens

Ag Services—services often employed by farm owners to produce raw foods and distribute their products; examples include: farm management, pesticide sprayers, installers, veterinarians, and distribution

Associations—voluntary associations; groups of individuals who voluntarily enter into an agreement to accomplish a purpose

Extension Office—coordinated through the University of Kentucky’s Extension Service, in partnership with Kentucky State University, extension offices have a presence in every county in the state; the mission is to make a difference in the lives of citizens through research-based education

Farm—defined by the government as “any place that produced and sold, or normally would produce and sell, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during the census year”

Food Bank—entity serving as a food storage and distribution depot for smaller front line agencies but usually do not give out food directly to the hungry; term is used to describe distribution sites.

GIS (Geographic Information System)—allows for visualization, analysis, and interpretation of data in order to understand relationships, patterns, and trends

Institutional—organizations related to agriculture that promote the interests of farmers, ranchers, or agribusiness or provides information about agriculture; organizations vary in terms of the sector they represent and in terms of their policy orientation